Outreach Ministry
Oakland Mt. Zion P.A.C.K (Planned Acts of Christian Kindness)
Outreach Ministry
Oakland Mt. Zion P.A.C.K (Planned Acts of Christian Kindness)
We’ve loved every minute of our journey
We’ve loved every minute of our journey

Our Quote and Mission
Our Quote and Mission
My hand can only reach so far.
Take my hand ,
and together we can reach so much further.
We as the OMZ Outreach want to restore hope and provide opportunities for people to become all that God intends them to be; partner with the local communities to put Christian faith into action through service to the community.
Upcoming Outreach Events:
* Our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner 11/23/2019 fed approximately 80 people and blessed 11 families with Thanksgiving boxes. We were able to send out 75 additional plates to those that were not able to attend.
* We will be participating in hosting several families during the Holiday Season.
Upcoming Outreach Events:
* Our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner 11/23/2019 fed approximately 80 people and blessed 11 families with Thanksgiving boxes. We were able to send out 75 additional plates to those that were not able to attend.
* We will be participating in hosting several families during the Holiday Season.